SAFETY FIRST We're taking extra measures to ensure your children are safe in our nursery. Learn More
About Us
Your Child Is in Great Hands
We at Little Branch Child Care understands each child is unique, that recognizing children’s needs differ and each child needs to be considered individually is a primary focus for providing effective guidance and nurturing care. We believe each child should be honored for their unique way of being. We provide nurturing guidance in a family feel environment that respectfully encourages children to explore, discover and appreciate the wonders that our world has to offer. We believe in fostering healthy social-emotional development, rich in language, physical growth, cognitive learning, and self-help skills through play-based learning. Our goal is for your child’s experiences away from home to be positive and enjoyable.
What exactly is play-based learning?
Play-based learning is a type of early childhood education based on child-led and open-ended play. If you’re picturing preschoolers finger painting or ‘playing house’, you’re spot on.
Play itself is a voluntary, enjoyable activity with no purpose or end goal. Believe it or not, activities like this lay the foundation for a child to become a curious and excited learner later in life. Play-based learning helps children develop social skills, motivation to learn, and even language and numeracy skills. Taking initiative, focused attention, and curiosity about the world are all a part of play.
Children are naturally wired to do the very thing that will help them learn and grow.
“The impulse to play comes from a natural desire to understand the world.”
“Play is the highest form of research.” – Albert Einstein
Health & Safety
To limit the spread of Covid the following guidelines are strictly enforced:
Temperature check, with a no-contact thermometer and hands washing upon arrival.
Asking parents to maintain a 6 ft of distance and wear face mask at drop off and pick up.
Sanitizing table and high touch areas like door handles and gates every hour using approved product on the EPA -N list.
Implement hand washing guidelines throughout the day.
Working with the children, over 2 years old, to wear face mask when inside (children won’t be forced to do so).
Teaching children to cough and sneeze o arms instead of hands.
Air scrubbers on during operation hours.
Gloves are worn for tasks such as serving food, handling trash, diaper change and cleaning.
Keeping myself updated about ways to prevent Covid by attending diverse workshops.